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In this season of celebration and light, I invite you to start your December days by lighting a candle. 

Then, if you have time, sit with it and settle inside for a few breaths.  You can even say a favorite prayer or a quote to contemplate for the day. 

If you sit longer, it could become a sweet meditation.  Or you could meditate as a way to offer blessings for the world.

At the end of your day, you can reflect and journal on any effect this simple practice had on your day.

I'd like to share a quote from Gurudevi Nirmalananda's Teachings Article: “Light” published in December 1999:



"The light that must be found is inside your Self. You do not merely find that light within, you are that light. 

Finding it is not just a survival tool for the holidays, it is a life skill that will be needed in the New Year and every day."


Save Sunday, December 11th and join me for an online
Tea and Mandali Zoom 
3:00-4:00pm PT. 

Enjoy a cup of your favorite tea (with a treat?) while we share our experiences of this simple practice. Email me for the Zoom link



If you have any questions, please contact me.


I'm also available for private online instruction.  Contact me if interested



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